Wauseon Vintage Flat Track Race 2019
人生初めてのハーフマイル、クラスはブレーキレス。 スタートが決まりまさかのホールショット。39SSのエンジンは絶好調でストレートでのパワーも文句無し。2人に抜かれて結果3位でフィニッシュ。 ショートトラックとは全く違い、ギアは3速、アクセルは全開。かなりスピードがでるのにコース幅が狭く恐怖感はありましたがとても良い経験になり楽しめました。 また来年行けるように頑張ります💪🙂
It's race day in Ohio today. I was planning to go this year, but I couldn't make it this year. Cuz I didn't finish my work ... It needs about two weeks.
Throw back to 2019..

Go was racing in Wauseon Ohio about few weeks ago.
He was first time for the big track(half mile) for vintage flat track race.
There were 23 entries in Handshift class and he got 3rd place!!
It was great result!
Thank you for supported McHal helmet, Alpinestars,VonZipper and all friends!!